Charities- Approaching the Difficult Accounting Areas

The course is designed to review some of the more complex accounting areas with which charities have to deal.  While there are a number of areas where charity accounts are very similar to those of other entities, the Charities SORP has some very specific and very different approaches which can be a cause for confusion and mistakes.

The session will take a practical look at such matters and use examples and case studies to illustrate the points.

Content will include:

  • Income recognition
  • Donated goods, facilities and services
  • Recognising and allocating costs
  • Remuneration disclosures
  • Statement of cash flows
  • Corporate charities – income and expenditure account
  • Grant making activities
  • Heritage assets
  • Social investments
  • Group accounting
  • Branches
  • Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and prior period errors
CPD Course
Group of people sat in a room watching a man present stood up
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