Tax File Review

Responding to COVID-19: Our onsite peer reviews will be conducted remotely until further notice, to help you comply with the various regulatory requirements – even when your practice is working from home. Find out more.

  • Do you have comfort over the quality of tax services provided to clients?
  • Is your firm meeting the mandatory requirements and best practice elements of Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation (PCRT)?
  • Do you have internal quality control procedures over tax work and are they being adhered to?
  • Is your team putting what they’ve learned on training courses into practice or are they placing too much reliance on your tax software?

Tax is a key area where clients require and expect a high level service from their accountant. Our experience tells us that the level of service varies between firms, and between individuals within a firm. We can report on the standard of your tax work and identify any areas that need additional training, helping to ensure you comply with Practice Assurance, Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation and the mass of tax legislation.

Our reviewers are familiar with all areas of taxation and the review can be across the board (corporate, business, personal, trust etc.) or targeted to a specific area or taxation or department. 

You will receive a full written report following your review setting out our findings, as well as any recommendations for improvements.

A number of accountancy firms now save internal chargeable time by outsourcing these reviews to us and find the annual "check up" to be a useful and constructive way to keep the tax control environment in good shape. It also ensures that the tax teams receive a similar level of external quality review to their colleagues working in audit, where compliance matters are matter of course. 

Tax file reviews consider completed tax work and advise. For support with live client cases, please refer to our separate Tax Query service.

Why not combine your tax file review with another review on the same day?
Depending on the size of your practice and the visit scope, we could combine your tax file review with another compliance review on the same day. In particular, tax file reviews have a good synergy with Practice Assurance Compliance Reviews (with PCRT being an area of QAD focus).


This service is not available in the Republic of Ireland.

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Book a Review

To book a review or to request a quote, please call us on 0330 058 7141 or complete our online enquiry form.